How to Help a Victim of Domestic Violence
If you have heard of or suspect that a friend, family or a neighbor is a victim of domestic violence, you might think and feel helpless about the best way to assist this person. Don’t let worry of saying the wrong thing keep you from reaching out and lending a helping hand. Prolonging the situation for the perfect words or moment could keep you from capturing the opportunity to change a life. The world for many domestic abuse victims can be frightening, sad, lonely, isolated, and filled with disbelieve and fear of losing your partner.
A lot of the time reaching out and letting them know that you are there for them can provide tremendous relief and believe in the fact that there are people out there willing to help. below are using tips to help you support someone in this vulnerable situation.
Make Time for Domestic Violence Victims
If you think it’s time to reach out to a domestic abused victim, do so during a time of calm and ease. Getting between when tempers are flaring can put you in danger and you could just make the situation worse. Furthermore, make sure to set aside some time in case the abused victim decides to open up.
Listen Without Judgement
If the victim does decide to talk, listen to the unfortunate story without being judgmental, offering advice, or suggesting solutions. Possibilities are if you actively listen and try to understand, the person will tell you exactly what they need in assistance. Just give the abused victim the full opportunity to talk. You can ask clarifying questions and don’t lead them astray, but mainly just let the person vent their worries and fears. You may be the first person in which the victim has confided in, so be gentle.
Offer Specific Help
Help the abused person find support and resources. Look up for domestic help shelters, social services, lawyers, counselors, or support groups. If there are, offer brochures, pamphlets or useful articles about domestic violence and what the victim can do. If the abused person asks you to do something specific for them and you are willing to do it, don’t hesitate to lend a helping hand. If you are unable to, try to find other means for her needs to be met.
For quick and easy assistance with Domestic Violence, get in touch with Scheepers Pretorius Attorneys today and our professionals would gladly assist you and your family.