Domestic Violence in South Africa

Recent South African statistics show that 1 in 5 South African women has experienced physical violence, however gender-based attacks are different according to marital status, wealth, and living standards. In this article, we’ll explore the many found reasons and cases for gender based violence as well as domestic violence as a whole.

Is gender based violence still one sided?

As South Africa is progressing, abuse is no longer being reported from women only. Men are slowly also coming out and reporting cases of abuse. These include sexual as well as physical and emotional abuse.

Statistics recorded in 2008 state that 2 out of 5 male South African pupils have been raped. These are just as shocking as violence against women. More South African victims of abuse and domestic violence are urged yearly to speak out so that there’s awareness around the topic and South Africans can be motivated to combat gender based violence.

Is there a commonality between the causes of abuse?

Common surveyed and researched causes of abuse found by the UN are an act of dominance or to overpower the next person. Regardless of the status or class of the family, the conclusion usually is seeking dominance or power over the next person.

How can you prevent or speak up against abuse?

It’s commonly found that victims of abuse stay in abusive relationships because of many cultural, religious, psychological reasons.

Psychologists often preach that a person in an abusive relationship first needs to realize and understand that they’re being abused. This leads to the victim understanding that they’re in danger and that they can’t control the person abusing them.

As a victim of abuse, how could you heal from abuse?

There is never one solution to fix a problem because there are many factors that make the problem different, similarly in cases of abuse. Each case is unique so there is never one solution for each case. With most victims however, its’ often found that healing comes with speaking out and taking action so they could feel empowered again.

If you are a victim of domestic abuse or violence and you’d like assistance or to take legal action and protect yourself and your family, Scheepers Pretorius Attorneys advice and representation in all areas of Family Law, including Domestic Violence matters. Visit our website to learn more.

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