How to Approach Debt Collection in your Business

Home How to Approach Debt Collection in your Business How to Approach Debt Collection in your Business Those businesses that offer credit services to their customers understand the serious negative impact a defaulting debtor can have on your business; but in today’s competitive market, few can afford to turn away customers who seek credit from […]
Going about Debt Collection the Right Way

Home Going about Debt Collection the Right Way Going about Debt Collection the Right Way Being unable to recover bad debts from your clients can put your company in a truly difficult situation; where finding the right way to get them to make good on their payments, in a time that it can add […]
Selecting the right Criminal defense Attorney

Selecting the right Criminal defense Attorney Selecting the right criminal defence attorney on your side that can offer you comprehensive legal services and advice is a decision which could have dire implications on your life, depending on the situation you are in. There are many practices out there of varying quality, prices and service obligations, […]
These three theories of punishment in criminal law have shaped the way the world seeks retribution.

These three theories of punishment in criminal law have shaped the way the world seeks retribution. 3 Theories of punishment in South African Criminal Law The idea behind criminal law is to provide a mechanism whereby offenders of the criminal justice system receive an appropriate punishment for misconduct that is to be delivered by […]
Defining Family Law Cases.

Defining Family Law Cases. Family law cases are usually not easy for the family as there is always an emotional bond which is broken. Scheepers and Pretorius Attorneys specialize in a variety of family law cases including divorce, division of property, spousal maintenance, child maintenance, visitation rights, parental rights and responsibilities, care and contact, prenuptial […]
Property Law in a Nutshell

Property Law in a Nutshell Scheepers and Pretorius Attorneys offer their services and legal advice to individuals who are unsure of their rights. Property law in South Africa defines, classifies and regulates proprietary rights. Property law is the legislation put in place to govern the various forms of ownership with regards to personal property and […]