Advice on an abusive relationships
When it comes to ending a long relationship it’s never easy. It’s even harder when you’ve been cut-off from your family and close friends, mentally beaten down, financially controlled, and threatened in a way that you could be harmed. If you’re trying to figure out whether to stay or leave, you may be feeling unclear, uncertain, scared and torn. One moment, you may desperately want to get away, and the next, you contemplating to hang on to the relationship. Sometimes you may even blame yourself for the abuse or feel exhausted and embarrassed because you’ve stuck around in spite of the abuse. Don’t be trapped by manipulation, guilt, or self-blame. Your safety matters more than anything.
Protecting your privacy
You may be scared to leave or ask for help because you may be afraid that your partner will react violently towards you if he finds out. This is a serious concern. Nonetheless, there are safeguard measures you can take to stay safe and keep your abuser from finding out that you looking for help. When looking for help for domestic violence and abuse, it’s crucial that you cover your tracks, especially when using your phone or computer.
Domestic violence shelters
A domestic violence shelter or women’s shelter is an apartment or set of townhouses where abused and mistreatment women can go to seek refuge from their abusive relationships. The location of the domestic violence shelter is kept private in order to keep your abuser from finding you. Domestic violence shelters normally have room for both mothers and children. The shelter will provide you with basic living needs and essentials, including food and childcare. However, the length of time you can stay at the shelter is limited due to funds, but most shelters will also help you find a secure home, job and other things you need to start a fresh life. The shelter will also be able to get you in touch with other services for abused and battered women.
If you have questions or need assistance with any family law matters, please feel free to contact the attorneys at Scheepers Pretorius Attorneys and we will gladly help.